Sylvia (sold)

Sylvia (sold)


Sylvia (her name is temporary)  is about to cry. She doesn’t like to have her pictures taken, she constantly worries about her puppy toy Jeff (that’s why she always keeps him close) and she doesn’t like shoes, so I made her socks. Less stress, the better. I can personalise Sylvia for you by embroidering a new name on her dress.


Aito again :-)

Aito again :-)


Here he is again, finished. He’s wearing a cute panda set and holding his favourite panda (of course). Teething hasn’t eased off though, so we gave him a dummy. It helps. 😉 I can personalise Aito for you by embroidering a new name on his bib.


Elgiet new baby boy Aito – soon available!

Elgiet new baby boy Aito – soon available!


Ok, teething is NOT pleasant, but baby Aito (his name is temporary)  does it with the cutest smile on his face…He can’t stop munching on his little thumb. It’s very yummy. Awww, bless…. ;). I can personalise Aito for you by embroidering a new name on his bib.

Baby Jurgen

Baby Jurgen


Jurgen has just been born and is so adorable! He’s got super soft blond hair, chubby legs, hands and a cute perky little nose. Cuteness overload! 🙂 It took me two days to complete this doll. I wanted him to be perfect, so I created a heavier head that needs to be supported like a real baby. I decided that his little sister is going to be ginger. Awwww 😉